Curves (10.07.2013)
Kategorie: Training
Mapa/oblast: Äspet
Pořadatel: pan-kristianstad
Země: SE
Skutečná délka: 8.24 km
Čas: 70:39
1-7 OK
7-8 parallel error but quickly realized the mistake
9-10: big probs! looks like I started to read to 16 instead of 10 at some point, then more and more confused finally had to run all the way to 15 to figure out where I was. 14 min and 1.5km instead of 4-5 min and 400 m. Too bad.
11-17 OK
18: tricky control point +careless attack point => never found it :-(
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Curves (10.07.2013) Curves (10.07.2013)