Challenge PACA #2 (2017-01-22)
Típus: Competition
Térkép/terület: Pichauris
Rendező: Marco
Ország: F
Versenyforma: LD
Váltó pálya: B
Táv: 10.12 km
Idő: 80:30
Not a dream terrain if I say so..., but the course setting was ok(ish) with some interesting legs, S-1 and if 13 was removed it could have been a good leg too.
S-1: looks better to go right east of 13. Maybe 2 min faster?
2: unmapped trail confused: 20s
3-15: ok
16: 50 sec sloppy compass
16-17: bad luck stuck in the dark green 1 min :(
18: 50 sec tired
Orienteering: 7.0 km +250m 11.4 /km
Actual: 10.2 km +311m
2drerun: Tractor vs Porche
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Challenge PACA #2 (2017-01-22) Challenge PACA #2 (2017-01-22)