Chall Paca part 2 - MD (18-03-2012)
Catégorie: Competition
Carte/région: Meyrargues, Parrouvier
Organisateur: ACA
Pays: FR
Discipline: MD
Distance: 5.68 km
Temps: 42:25
HR moyen: 164
HR maximum: 173
A (nearly) good race again but with mistakes:
2: drifting to the right and hesitates 20 sec
6: going to fast and confusing the two paths down to the control: 1m 30 sec to sort out
7-8: again going to fast and loosing map contact, should have stayed on the path system under the red line: 40 sec.
10-11: following the wrong path on the first part of this leg: 10 sec
11: I think this control might be slightly wrong (30m to the east) as I actually passed two cliffs until I found it (plus the GPS looks wrong too). 50 sec
Nice area, the green 1 and 2 is actually not to bad and around 6 and 7 there was a "little Sisteron".
1st place on C-course/H50

Avg HR: 92 % of Max
Elevation Gain: 171 m
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Chall Paca part 2 - MD (18-03-2012) Chall Paca part 2 - MD (18-03-2012)