Chall PACA sprint (2013-09-22)
Típus: Competition
Térkép/terület: Sisteron
Rendező: Balise04
Ország: FR
Versenyforma: Sprint
Váltó pálya: D
Táv: 0.7 km
Idő: 12:15
This is the afternoon sprint. Unfortunately I happend to push the wrong button on my gps therefor just a few controlls...
This race was a lot more hilly than I expected, shoe wise I would had been better in shoes with studs and not afraid to fall on my hips.
My only problem was controll no 5, lost 2 min 30 sec.
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Chall PACA sprint (2013-09-22) Chall PACA sprint (2013-09-22)