O'France - Day 5 - Plateau de Guilhaumard - H55 - Chasing start - when shit hit the fan (2016-07-16)
Típus: Competition
Versenyforma: LD Chasing start
Táv: 7.53 km
Idő: 78:59
Átlag pulzus: 145
Maximális pulzus: 168
First control: "The excrement made physical contact with a hydro-electric powered oscillating air current distribution device". Used primarily to describe a set of circumstances where events became inflamed to a point that control was lost.
The rest of the run: The force was not with me today, sacrifice to the OgOd needed.
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O'France - Day 5 - Plateau de Guilhaumard - H55 - Chasing start -  when shit hit the fan (2016-07-16) O'France - Day 5 - Plateau de Guilhaumard - H55 - Chasing start -  when shit hit the fan (2016-07-16)