Chall 83 with the Marins (12/10/2010)
Kategoria: Competition
Mapa/teren: Mazaugues
Organizator: French Marins
Kraj: FR
Dystans: 9.27 km
Czas: 77:08
6 km disqualified missing control (first time this year?)
GPS: 9.6 km +200m 1h17min
Lost the fighting spirit already on the 1st control as it was wrong (50m east). Then major disaster on the 5th control, thought it was wrong too and gave up searching. Then found the 6th - well I thought it was - but it was in fact the 5th. Obviously I had even more problems with the 7th...
Anyway it was worth the trip: we had nice day in the sun and were served lunch w/coffee by the marins - Thanks!
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Chall 83 with the Marins (12/10/2010)