Championnat PACA des Clubs (05/05/2013)
Категория: Competition
Карта/область: Castillon / Port de Bouc
Организатор: Marseille
Страна: FR
Дисциплина: Relay
Этап: 5 of 5
Длина пути: 8.95 km
Время: 69:21
a good race except for a 3 min mistake on 7: bad attackpoint from the dirt road, nearly impossible to get down to the control point (thorns...) should have stayed on the trails 150m north and attacked from east.
Looks like the 7th control is slightly wrong it was 25m to the north of the boulder, in the depression.
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Championnat PACA des Clubs (05/05/2013) Championnat PACA des Clubs (05/05/2013)