Xtermor Etapp 1 (08/03/2012)
Kategoria: Competition
Mapa/teren: Stari Tabor
Organizator: Lipica Open
Kraj: Slovenia
Konkurencja (dystans): MD
Dystans: 4.32 km
Czas: 64:56
I walked the whole course. First real mistake I made, is to number 5; I lost time because I could not understand where I was... but finally I managed back. On number 6 I walked by my control without seeing it. To number 7, I went a bit too much on the left by the red line => loss of time. To number 11, I was getting tired and did not take as much attention as I usually do to the compass... For the rest, ok. Results: 4th out of 9. 1h04m50s
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Xtermor Etapp 1 (08/03/2012) Xtermor Etapp 1 (08/03/2012)