O'France - Day 3 - Le Figayrol - H55 (2016-07-13)
Categoría: Competition
Mapa/área: Puech Rocus
País: F
Disciplina: MD
Distance: 4.79 km
Time: 42:08
Average HR: 147
Maximum HR: 168
Mistakes, errors and more ..
4: classic paralell error 3 min
6: 1:30 lack of self confidence :(((
7: 1min - shaky
8: 30 sec, direction!
9: 2:30 - sloppy navigation the last 50 meters
10: 1:30 - sloppy again
12: embarrassingly sloppy 3:10
5th overall before start, after this shitty race who knows
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Richard : Everything cannot be perfect.
Good luck for the next race friday
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O'France - Day 3 - Le Figayrol - H55 (2016-07-13) O'France - Day 3 - Le Figayrol - H55 (2016-07-13)