Championnat PACA des clubs (01.04.2012)
Kategori: Competition
Kart/område: Le Defens
Arrangør: VSAO
Land: FR
Disiplin: Relay
Etappe: 5(5)
Distanse: 7.8 km
Tid: 54:51 HR: 164
Maksimum HR: 180
OK:ish race, 4 ½ min boom in total.
1: saw a control flag 100m before but it wasn't mine: 2.5 min
4-5: 30 sec
around 7 : caught up next team with 5 min or so, apparently he had exactly the same forking as I.
9: hesitation just north of the control 30 sec.
17: tried to outrun the other guy but instead ended with a 40 sec boom, he was stilll after me
20 same story as 17, but this time I had a 50 m gap over the finish line.
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Championnat PACA des clubs  (01.04.2012) Championnat PACA des clubs  (01.04.2012)