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CFC - French clubs championship (10/06/2012)
Категорія: Competition
Карта/область: Chaud Clapier
Організатор: CDCO26
Країна: FR
Дисципліна: Relay
Етап: 6 of 6
Довжина шляху: 5.46 km
Час: 39:27
Середній HR: 163
Максимальний HR: 176
Time 38:44
If yesterday was technical race, this was the opposite, very physical, fast and in "thin air": altitude 1400 m. . 4.3 km +180m -> 6 km so ideal time 30 min is out of range for me.
1: 1 min 100% max heart rate ... tunnel vision
2: 30sec should have stayed south of the stoney area
3: 1 min more tunnel vision 103% max heart rate
5. wrong ski-pist down, controls everywhere & punched a couple wrong ones. 1 minute
+ route to 4th not optimal
Totally 4 min mistakes, best possible time would be around 34:40.

Avg HR: 92 % of Max
Max HR: 101 % of Max :-o
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CFC - French clubs championship (10/06/2012) CFC - French clubs championship (10/06/2012)